Peter Hacket was a casualty of the budget cuts to the UK Secret Intelligence Services (SIS).
He now contracts out his specialist black services for what's termed the deniable retread side to any Intelligence Service. -
Peter Hacket was a casualty of the budget cuts to the UK Secret Intelligence Services (SIS).
Now considered a deniable retread resource, he contracts out his specialist black services to any organisation or individual who can afford him.
DOB: xxxxxxxxxx
Father -
Mother -
Marriage (1) -
Marriage (2) -
Children -
Mistress -
Graduate reading Political Science, Leeds University, UK
20 yrs. -
Post SIS -
Handler Remarks:
Strengths: Thrives on Black ops., xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Weaknesses: Women,Alcohol dependency, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Issues: Tendency to ignore direct instructions/acts independently
Exploitable: Focus on personal financial gain